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As a Maryland nonprofit entity, Animal Welfare Society of Howard County, Inc. (AWSHC) is duty-bound to operate in a transparent manner, providing the general public with important information about its structure and operations. This transparency information is provided in order to satisfy that requirement and to keep our constituents well informed. In here you'll find information about our organization's structure, compliance with government oversight, our tax return information, our internal governance, our strategic plans, our history, and many other features of AWSHC that may be of interest to the general public yet not readily apparent through social media or our normal operations.
Note: Not all hyperlinks on this page are available yet but are currently under development.
Business Addresses
Our legal/mailing address is as follows.
8556 Davis Road
Columbia, MD 21045
Use this address to send mail, look up tax records and other official company information, etc.
Our operations address is where we conduct our business with the public and is as follows.
8556 Davis Road
Columbia, MD 21045
This is where we care for our animals and interact with the public for training, boarding, veterinary care, and rescue and adoption.
AWSHC is a 501(c)(3) nonstock, nonprofit corporation. AWSHC was incorporated in the state of Maryland in 1944 by Marie Werking, Elizabeth DeBow, Lois Mumford, and Herman Betts, all of whom were Howard County, Maryland residents. There were several purposes originally declared for the organization in its Certificate of Incorporation including the following.
The AWSHC original 1944 Certificate of Incorporation can be viewed here.
AWSHC obtained its EIN in 1944 when it was incorporated. AWSHC's EIN is 52-0594866.
IRS Tax Return Filing History
AWSHC is required to file an annual IRS Form 990 as stated in its 501(c)(3) certification letter. The most recent Form 990 filings for AWSHC can be found here.
501(c)(3) Determination
AWSHC obtained its 501(c)(3) status in 1951. AWSHC's 501(c)(3) status is current as shown here.
Maryland State Department of Assessment and Taxation (SDAT)
AWSHC is registered with the Maryland SDAT as a nonstock Maryland corporation in good standing. Our SDAT account number is D00046607 and you can search for our business here. Our certificate of good standing can be found here.
Maryland Personal Property and Business Status Filings
AWSHC is required to file annual reports of business status and personal property used by the organization. Those filings can be found here.
State of Maryland Secretary of State Charitable Organizations
AWSHC's status with the State of Maryland Secretary of State Charitable Organizations Division can be searched for here.
Internal Governance
AWSHC is governed by a duly elected board of directors and its bylaws. For more information about our board of directors, please click here.
Land Trust
AWSHC is fortunate to be the primary beneficiary of a land trust deeded in 1966 to its trustees. The trust owns and oversees the 5 acre property on which AWSHC is situated. The trust specifies required actions on the part of AWSHC and of the trustees. In the summer and fall of 2021, the trust underwent a revision to update the joint appointment of its successor trustees by both AWSHC and Howard County. You can view the original Trust under Deed document here. You can view the newly minted trustee appointment here.
Performance Metrics
We endeavor to be completely transparent about our operations and rates of success. The measures we use and the results we publish can be found here.
Donations and Grants
AWSHC cannot function without the financial assistance we receive from donations and grants. Our donations and grant numbers can be found here.
A brief history of the organization can be found here.
Strategic Plans
The planned activities for AWSHC's future can be found here.
Annual Reports
Our annual reports to the public can be found here.
Guidestar Charity Check
AWSCH's Guidestar Charity Check report can be found here.
Charity Navigator
AWSHC's Charity Navigator report can be found here.
Salaries for Key Management Personnel
All board members and key management personnel are unpaid volunteers.
For questions about our internal operations and other organizational details, please contact AWSHC at 800-993-6680 or
8556 Davis Road, Columbia, Maryland 21045
Copyright © 2022 Animal Welfare Society of Howard County -
All Rights Reserved.